expert assistance

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spectrum and form
    We provide assistance services in botany way, plants cultivation & garden or landscape architecture/design. The assistance is provided by e-mails, telephone, or (optimally) by personal discussion at specific place.

garden architecture
    Areas of designing, garden reconstructions, garden curing, provision of survival of hard plant species; increase of potention of survival of damaged individuals (by climate or unsuitable intervetion), tree care service,...

    Technologies of cultivation not only common, but also marginal and rare, ecologically specified plant species. Optimalization of cultivation techniques of many plant groups. Laboratory plants cultivation under in vitro conditions.

    In area of botanical research we are specialized in species:
  • Drosera
  • Pinguicula
are these services really useful for me?
    Nowadays more speculators provide their services than respectable suppliers. We watch a high increase of providing bad services in areas of natural science for longer time. Non-respectable suppliers of garden services are getting on great in accordance with decrease of floricultural literacy and perception of nature of our population. An ordinary person has only a small chance to uncover the wrong applied methods, which the non-respectable supplier realized in his garden. Furthermore, more expressive visual display of wrong interventions are oftentimes visible after many years. We can virtually immediatelly identify the process and the interventions to the vegetation cover or individual plant. We can compare the status after realization of non optimal process to expected status after optimal process and we can explain the customer very simply how the intervention should have been realized and what is and will be the difference with the optimal status in near and far future. We can offer solution when a wrong process is found out.

    Literal reosurces which inform about plants care are more often misleading. We guess only 10% are true information in plant themes on the Internet or in popular media (information which go to ordinary people by the simplest way). The rest are myths spreading by copying information without full reform by non-erudited "author". The result is an absolute disinformation of the public about biology in general. By using professional guidance from people with praxis, you increase the probability of surviving of purchased plant material so you save your money and time.

    The costs for expert assistance are a tiny fragment of costs which you will have for reconstruction of wrong designing process, curing plants or by area upkeeping in the future.

evaluation of assistance services
    Simple ways of assistance cost 20 € / hour. All more complex services have an individual price on the base of offer set in advance.

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