plantae quality - plants

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Plantae plants
    Nearly all plants which are possible to buy nowadays have been grown with only aim. To bring profit. But this is not the case of plants from Plantae. "Plantae plants" have not been propagated, grown and sold with the profit aim. Plantae plants are grown as a species collection for scientic and scientifit-popular purposes. Because a big endeavour is developed, the plants grow naturally and are naturally propagated. And such amount of propagated individuals (not possible to hold all in our space) are integrated into the selling.

    You say: Yes, but "plants from a shop" have bigger leaves, longer stems and are taller and greener. But what some people can consider as a plus is for the plants a minus actually. These signs (bigger, taller,...) are a result of endeavour to minimalize the costs (and to maximalize the profit) of commercial floricultural institutions, where the plants have less light (too close placed) and usually max-amount-nitrogen-fertilized. But these plants are very sensitive and mostly they die quickly after transport to domestic conditions. And those that should be colourful are also greener. "Plantae plants", grown with wide botanical knowledge and knowledge of plant ecology, natural habitats,... have the right colour which they should have (no for less chlorophyll, but chlorophyll is overlaid in leaves by yellow flavanol, red carotenoids,... which protect the chlorophyll from photooxidation and they release only as much radiation as necessary, like it is going in the nature.)

    Nearly no one from commercial grown plants would alive after placing to the natural habitat with plants of the same species. Nearly all Plantae plants would.

privileges of Plantae plants
    Plantae plants are grown with minimal using of chemicals. Mostly are aplicated the organizms of biological pest control. That´s why there is an nibbled leaf on Plantae plant sometimes, but this belongs to nature. The plant body is not soaked with pesticides than the commercial plants are.

    We use professional substrates, specified not only for each group of plants (for example evergreen coniferous, orchids,... as it is usual in gardening), but we adjust them according to special requirements of each genus or even species.

    We do not re-seed localizated butterworts, flowers are removed after flowering. Even by this way we keep genetic stability of clones we offer. If the plant species is localized you can be sure that it is geneticly identical with individuals growing in the natural habitat (and not a selects of many generations re-seeded plants which have the genetic information changed by the cultivation aspects markedly). These species we propagate by vegetative reproduction only, which means they are cloned. We do not supply one clone only (what is a big disadvantage from the genetical stability point of view) but we propagate multiple clones of one species from certain locality equally.

    The temperature is controlled non-stop manually (more times a day), it is not lead by a thermostat, because it can not qualify the temperature with the relative air humidity, illumination, but mainly with the weather behaviour and actual plants condition,...

    Slugs from the Plantae collection area are eliminated at night manually (invasive species Arion lusitanicus is extreme overpopulated in all Europe nowadays). These interventions are time-consuming, but chemicals which kill these pests are too poisoning for all other organizms and for people as well and their using is not in harmony with Plantae ideology.

unique plant occurrences of Plantae collection
    Cephalotus follicularis - 3 inflorescences on 1 individual in seasons 2005, 2006, 1 inflorescence in 2007 and 2 inflorescences in 2008 season. In 2009 season 6 unique inflorescences in one pot and in 2011 season even 7.
    Drosera adelae - leaves lenght (not extended because of less light amount) 22 cm in season around 1995.
    Utricularia alpina - 15 flowers on one individual in 2008 season.
    Eriocactus lenninghausii - brought in 2000, season 2001 - one flower, 2002 - 5 flowers, 2004 - 13 flowers, 2006 - 17 flowers, 2007 - 19 flowers photo1 photo2.
    Lophophora williamsii - often blooming with 4 flowers in one time photo1 photo2.
    Drosera filiformis - 30-50 pieces of prey (flies mostly) on one leaf in 2007, 2008,... seasons (without artificial feeding).
    Successful culture probably the most difficult-to-cultivate plants in our conditions – European butterworts photo1 photo2 photo3.
    Curiously growing Nepenthes length 3m from a pot 8cm diameter.
    More growers point difficultness of seeding and problems with cultivation with Proboscidea. In Plantae collection Proboscidea louisianica grows between potatoes.
    Grafted lemon (maturing fruit) on Poncirus trifoliata, has undertaken. All what grows here is vigorous and continue in growing even after such seemingly extreme floricultural intervention.

"worth" of Plantae plants
    Prices of commercial plants by this care as Plantae plants have would be minimal 10 times higher. However Plantae plants are a strong competitive for commercial platns even in prices (At us you do not pay for catalogues, colourful print, store,... Our plants do not travel through Netherlands like all plants in flower stores and you do not support hundreds of businessmen.). A to sa ani nesnažíme naše rastliny za každú cenu predať. If somebody orders a specific species in unsuitable time for replanting or manipulation, he will be warn and he will be offered the nearest optimal term or other solution. We do not sell plants to die. The ideology of Plantae is to spread positive relationship of people to nature through its interests for as much as junction with nature we consider as good.

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